Aboubt Us
Our Story
Welcome to Action City Dallas Kingdom Colony!
Action City Dallas- Kingdom Colony was planted in Irving, Texas in 2020 by Prayer and Intercession. Pastors John & Josephine “Renee” started with a small group in their home by hosting prayer and discipleship sessions on Sunday afternoon. By God’s grace, the small church plant has grown to monthly Prophetic Prayer Movement; Kingdom Invasion experience. This Prophetic Prayer Encounter is evangelistic in nature, whereby the mission is to engage, equip, train, activate and commission Kingdom Believers to invade territories across the globe.
Emulating the ministry of the early church, found in Acts 11:28 One of them named Agabus stood up and prophesied through the [Holy] Spirit that a severe famine would come on the entire world. And this did happen during the reign of Claudius. 29 So the disciples decided to send a contribution, each according to his individual ability, to the believers who lived in Judea. 30 And this they did, sending the contribution to the elders by Barnabas and Saul.
Therein, Kingdom Invasion Mobile Food Pantry was (birthed). As the world faced a global pandemic and the onset of an international and foreign disruption, our Kingdom response was imminent and strategic. Our team began serving communities in Irving, McKinney and Grand Prairie regions of Dallas, Texas. Hosting Kingdom Invasion Mobile food drive the Action City Dallas- Kingdom Colony team serves 3-5 communities every 3rd weekend of the month. Several partnerships with food distributors and food banks have supported the efforts of our Kingdom mandate.
Today, Action City Dallas -Kingdom Colony hosts several in-person and multi-media encounters such as: Power Sunday Experience, Commanding the Morning, “It Happens @ Midnight Prayer Encounter” , Digital Discipleship Bible Study, Coffee Hour with Pastor Josey, Katalyst Institute Leadership and Podcast series “The Tipping Point” and “Lean-In, Learn and Lead” sponsored by Crowned Media. Inc.; weekly and monthly.
ACD-Kingdom Colony
Our story and church evolve around 3 core values.
First, we believe God wants to establish his Kingdom on earth. Secondly, we believe God wants to use His children to establish the Kingdom of God in every facet of life. Thirdly, we believe the systems of the Kingdom of God enables us to operate in the supernatural power of God and live at our maximum potential Everyday.
This has been our mission since we uprooted our lives from the east coast of the United States of America and relocated to Dallas, Texas. By this act of faith, we have witnessed lives changed, transformed, empowered, delivered, unified by the power of God.
Our mission as a family is to engage individuals and families in a Kingdom driven vision and mission. We do this by knowing and growing in Christ Jesus and making him known by teaching and establishing the systems of the Kingdom of God in the regions we have been called. By this, we planted and launched Action City Dallas-Kingdom Colony by hosting prayer and intercession gatherings in our home. These events quickly evolved into hosting leadership development book studies on-line and in-person. Our mission was to gather, teach and empower God’s people.
We are committed to helping people of all nationalities, ethnic groups and generations live, pray, love and lead like Jesus Christ through the leading of the Holy Spirit.
We welcome you to join us at any of our locations throughout the northern or southern region of Dallas or online platforms. You will experience the Kingdom of God on earth!